"exclusive will be celebrating this holiday weekend by holding a sale. However, they will be closed this July 4th to enjoy the holiday.
However, they will be holding a PRE and POST July 4th sale to make up for it. Which, if you ask me, I completely appreciate.
The two-day sale is marked by 30% off selected items and 10% off everything else in the store. And when they say everything… that means everything, including bags, hats, music, accessories, clothing, books, art EVERYTHING). So, Ladies, go pick up some gear to check out the fireworks on Friday… or some clothes to rock to that barbecue on Saturday night. Either way, you shouldn’t miss out.
So, swing by the shop July 3rd and July 5th between 11am-7pm to score on some dope stuff you’ve been meaning to pick up.
exclusive is located in the Hawaiian Life building on the corner of Piikoi and Kapiolani, right across the street from the Honolulu Design Center. Hit them up at 808.593.9699 or find them at exclusive-hawaii.com "- jessie/atypicalliving